Hope for humanity





About Us

Scalabrinian Sisters

The Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of Saint Charles Borromeo, Scalabrinians, was founded by Bishop Saint John Baptist Scalabrini, in Piacenza, on October 25, 1895, at the time of the great italian emigration towards the Americas.

Our Lady
of Fatima

The image shines the reality of Our Lady of Fatima Province with missionary presence in the countries of the United States, Canada, Mexico, Honduras, Dominican Republic and Costa Rica.

The face of Mary, mother of the different peoples of the Americas, has the eyes opened to the reality and the lips of an empowered woman who denounces and announces in defense of all, prophetess of justice and peace. Her welcoming arms and her mantle with many folds represent the infinite ways of protecting everyone with love and tenderness without distinction. Her Immaculate Heart radiates mercy and begs for the prayer of the Rosary.

The three shepherd children represent the migrant family, especially the children who from an early age face the adversities of the migration journey. The two feet with the cross represent the Scalabrinian presence in the world of migration, praying with Isaiah 52:7, ‘How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who announces peace!’

The golden color symbolizes the Divine and Sacred proper of the Mother who helps to awaken in humanity’s trust in her Son who was also a migrant, and the hope that we are not alone on this pilgrimage.

Design by Sister Elda Broilo, mscs

Celebrating 70 years of legacy, love, commitment, and service of all the Sisters who preceded us and those who are present now in the Province of Our Lady of Fatima.